by Matvey Perdu-Nemirovskaia
A wonderful astronomical discovery has been done in the last few weeks. In the centre of our galaxy, there’s a black hole of some million solar masses; there’s mostly in every galaxy a supermassive black hole. But, astronomers discovered another black hole near the centre of our galaxy which is as heavy as some thousands solar masses.
Yet there’s a problem with this black hole. The fact is that astronomers discovered that it’s part of a star cluster including numerous massive stars, yet massive stars only live few millions years, and the procession to make them go in the centre of the galaxy from the periphery takes some billion years.
So, let’s consider that the stars had to be born in the centre, but how? Why not, but there’s the big black hole’s attraction and in this way, the attraction breaks everything that is materials (it means not energy) so the stars couldn’t be born in the centre. To help astronomers to have a better idea on how stars could appear in the centre of the galaxy, there’s the quite new telescope James Webb, which sees in infrared, and a new optical telescope of forty meter large which is being built right now somewhere in Chili.
(Source: Vladimir Soerdin)