Ukrainian Embroidery – code of the nation

what does the symbolism of Ukrainian embroidery mean? I would like to tell you about such Ukrainian traditional art as embroidering. Generally, ladies embroider, but gentlemen can make embroidery things too. Ukrainian women have always been protectresses of their families and generations. They give flourishing and prosperity to their kids and relatives with the help…

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Narrative Video Games

Hello everyone, my name is Lylou and I have been a video games addict since I was very young ! I’ve played a lot of games, with different style and topics, but my favorite ones are narrative video games. What is a narrative video game? It is a genre of video game, it is just…

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Un tatoueur maori et un Kiwi à « Théo »

Aujourd’hui, nous avons l’honneur de recevoir 27 élèves néozélandais du lycée de Palmerston  North, accompagnés de trois enseignants dont un professeur d’arts plastiques, célèbre tatoueur maori de l’île. À son palmarès, on peut compter les tatouages de All Black tels que  Dan Carter et Luke McAlister. Sous couvert des mesures d’hygiène de l’éducation nationale et…

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♧ 2024 Culture Day in Dundalk ♧

By Yasmine SEBBAHI Théophile-Gautier’s presence in Ireland for Dundalk Grammar School’s annual event last March 13th didn’t go unnoticed…   The 5th annual celebration of Culture Day took place on the 13th March in Dundalk Grammar School turning the school into a sea of color and creating an atmosheric vibe and buzz, making it not like…

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Chansons de l’année 2023-24 Unionet !

Qu’écoutent les jeunes européens ? Connaissent-ils la musique de ton pays? Connais-tu leurs musiques? Pour découvrir d’autres cultures musicales, un sondage est réalisé auprès des lycéens de chaque établissement participant à UnioNet, n’hésite pas toi aussi à y participer ! Для України натисніть TyT For ireland, click here Para España, pincha aqui Per l’Italia, clicca qui Pour la France,…

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Ainsi soit-elle

Si vous cherchez dans Le Robert la définition du mot émancipation, vous trouverez : « Action d’affranchir ou de s’affranchir d’une autorité, de servitudes ou de préjugés.» Qu’en est-il alors de l’émancipation féminine ? En quoi la littérature peut-elle participer à l’émancipation des femmes ? Retrouvez l’article entier de Louise Larrieu sur ThéoNet sans plus tarder !

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Finally, we have our #1 word! IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTT’SSSSSSS… LOVE! Wait, what?! How do you want me to explain what love is? You all should have chosen the  »gävle goat ». Ok anyways, let’s do this! [EXTREMELY LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER] Love taking place in the heart is something some people actually still believe! It actually takes place in…

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You all remember the « christmas creature feature » edition of the word corner. However, I missed something importent: TRADITIONS! Not only will I include actual traditions, but also some from r/askreddit’s « weirdest christmas tradition » thread! I bet at least 1 person reading this actually does this. The christmas pickle tradition consists of putting a pickle in…

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Cinema, music, fashion and more: outstanding achievements of Ukrainians in 2023 that are worth knowing about

Cinéma, musique, mode et bien plus encore: réalisations exceptionnelles des Ukrainiens en 2023 qui méritent d’être connues 1. Mavka: The Forest Song Ukrainian animated cartoon Mavka:The Forest Song became the first Ukrainian film to be released in wide international distribution. It was shown in cinemas in 148 countries and dubbed in 32 languages. The film…

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