Tammerkoski upper secondary school is a public general upper secondary school sustained by the city of Tampere.

Tampere is located about 160 km north of Helsinki, and is one of the biggest cities in Finland.

carte finlande
tempere city

Tampere aims to be pioneering in many fields, and thus education and innovation are regarded as highly important in the city strategy. The school is situated near the city centre, within walking distance.

Tammerkoski upper secondary school specialises in visual arts and design. The national and Tammerkoski upper secondary school curricula emphasize students’ initiative, creativity and personality in addition to the development of a student’s personal skills related to various school subjects.

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tempere facts
Tammerkoski brochure

Studying and teaching at a Finnish upper secondary school requires many various ICT skills, as most teaching and study materials are digital, as well as exams and the national matriculation exams. Students use laptops and mobiles for studying at school.

The members in our staff are interested in developing their work. Many of them are leaders in regional subject teams, are monitoring teachers regarding the national matriculation exam, and work on study materials published by national publishing houses.
Tammerkoski upper secondary school has had Comenius projects and Erasmus+ projects before, the latest KA2 project Changing Cities, Future Citizens ended in May 2022.


See our first exchange in October 2023 in Tarbes HERE; our students from the international section plan to travel there on May 2024 !

Click below for the school’s website…

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