Ukrainian Embroidery – code of the nation

what does the symbolism of Ukrainian embroidery mean? I would like to tell you about such Ukrainian traditional art as embroidering. Generally, ladies embroider, but gentlemen can make embroidery things too. Ukrainian women have always been protectresses of their families and generations. They give flourishing and prosperity to their kids and relatives with the help…

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Cinema, music, fashion and more: outstanding achievements of Ukrainians in 2023 that are worth knowing about

Cinéma, musique, mode et bien plus encore: réalisations exceptionnelles des Ukrainiens en 2023 qui méritent d’être connues 1. Mavka: The Forest Song Ukrainian animated cartoon Mavka:The Forest Song became the first Ukrainian film to be released in wide international distribution. It was shown in cinemas in 148 countries and dubbed in 32 languages. The film…

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Khortytsia: one of the seven wonders of Ukraine.

Le complexe historique « Khortytsia » est l’un des endroits les plus célèbres d’Ukraine. C’est un symbole de l’indomptable nation ukrainienne, un symbole de liberté et de l’héritage de notre peuple. The historical complex « Khortytsia » is one of the most famous places in Ukraine.  It is a symbol of the Ukrainian nation’s indomitability, a symbol of freedom…

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Poésies venues d’Ukraine #2

Pendant longtemps, les hommes ont regardé le ciel en pensant aux mystères des lumières inconnues. Suivant cette attirance, nous nous préparons aujourd’hui à atteindre des soleils lointains. L’avenir de l’humanité est dans les étoiles. For a long time humans stared in sky, thinking about the mysteries of unearthly lights. Following this attraction, we are now…

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