Cats! Everyone loves cats. Some people prefer dogs, but those people should be in an asylum. Specifically, certain cat breeds are better (BASED ON PERSONAL PREFERENCE) than others, as they tend to be friendlier, and generally more comfortable with people. One of these is the EXOTIC SHORTHAIR! This cat breed originates from the US, which…
Upcoming European Elections
Earlier this year, as a class project, we entered a video competition inciting young Europeans to vote in the European elections from the 6th to the 9th of June 2024. We are proud to present our video (that, despite our best efforts, didn’t win). Enjoy! Maïa Carruthers-Jones & William Goodman-Stephens
Here’s a lake that’s extremely friendly and NOTHING BAD WILL HAPPEN TO YOU IF YOU JUMP INTO IT
Research Report UNODC – United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Combating Drug trafficking in Europe
Research Report ECOSOC – Economic and Social Committee
Topic : achieving Europe’s energy sovereignty
Research Report UNEP – United Nations Environment Program
Topic : Promoting Sustainable marine tourisme in the Mediterranean in the context of climate change
Participation au concours Médiatiks 2024
Nous remercions le jury du concours qui a apprécié « l’esprit collectif » de notre média « qui se ressent dans le choix des sujets traités », la palette de possibilités offerte, le multiculturalisme qui « transparaîtvraiment dans les articles » avec un multilinguisme apprécié. Les « différentes écritures journalistiques » valorisées sur la plateforme tels que les podcasts contribuent à en faire…
2024 Paris Olympics
Welcome BFI news, this week we’re bringing you lots of fun facts about this summer’s Olympics.
Night in the Mausoleum Part.1
Compelled by a morbid curiosity, Max, Julia and Hannah decide to explore an abandoned cemetery,when they start hearing strange noises….
Mythical creatures
Hey! Do you remember one of my first articles? This is a « spiritual successor » to my christmas creatures one.
Narrative Video Games
Hello everyone, my name is Lylou and I have been a video games addict since I was very young ! I’ve played a lot of games, with different style and topics, but my favorite ones are narrative video games. What is a narrative video game? It is a genre of video game, it is just…
Deep in the Heart of Climbing.
Hi everyone! Today, we receive with a great pleasure two seconde students : Emma who’s a climber from a club, Roc & Pyrène and Zoé who’s part of the UNSS, our school’s club. ThéoNet : Emma, how long have you been climbing and why did you chose this sport? Emma : I think it’s about…
Un poisson en guise de tatouage… !
Happy April’s Fool ! Merci pour vos appels et prises de rendez-vous …
Un tatoueur maori et un Kiwi à « Théo »
Aujourd’hui, nous avons l’honneur de recevoir 27 élèves néozélandais du lycée de Palmerston North, accompagnés de trois enseignants dont un professeur d’arts plastiques, célèbre tatoueur maori de l’île. À son palmarès, on peut compter les tatouages de All Black tels que Dan Carter et Luke McAlister. Sous couvert des mesures d’hygiène de l’éducation nationale et…
♧ 2024 Culture Day in Dundalk ♧
By Yasmine SEBBAHI Théophile-Gautier’s presence in Ireland for Dundalk Grammar School’s annual event last March 13th didn’t go unnoticed… The 5th annual celebration of Culture Day took place on the 13th March in Dundalk Grammar School turning the school into a sea of color and creating an atmosheric vibe and buzz, making it not like…
This week we switch to a science podcast dedicated to solar eclipses! If you’re an eclipse chaser or at the beginning of your solar journey, you’ll love this!
Le mystère d’Amélia Earhart bientôt résolu ?
American pilot Amélia Earhart’s disappearing to be solved… 124 ans après le premier vol « coup de foudre » de cette américaine, première femme à avoir traversé l’Atlantique, une découverte rouvre le dossier… A découvrir dans l’article en français de Julie Hombert sur Théonet.